DPD thermostat
Diddo Diddens
2014-01-03 15:05:27 UTC
Dear all,

I have a question concerning the availability of the DPD thermostat in
Gromacs. On the site


I found that the DPD thermostat will possibly be implemented in Gromacs
4.6 or 5.0. Since I could not find it in version 4.6, I wondered if it
will appear in version 5.0. I am aware that not all features can be
implemented by the developers, but since it would be interesting for me
to use the DPD thermostat, I wanted to ask if there are still ongoing
efforts to incorporate it (especially due to the fact that a modified
Gromacs version already makes use of it:

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,

Diddo Diddens
Dr. Diddo Diddens
Institut Charles Sadron
Université de Strasbourg
23 Rue du Loess, BP 84047
67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2
Phone: +33.(0)
Email: ***@ics-cnrs.unistra.fr
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Christoph Junghans
2014-01-04 00:12:28 UTC
Post by Diddo Diddens
Dear all,
I have a question concerning the availability of the DPD thermostat in
Gromacs. On the site
I found that the DPD thermostat will possibly be implemented in Gromacs 4.6
or 5.0. Since I could not find it in version 4.6, I wondered if it will
appear in version 5.0. I am aware that not all features can be implemented
by the developers, but since it would be interesting for me to use the DPD
thermostat, I wanted to ask if there are still ongoing efforts to
incorporate it (especially due to the fact that a modified Gromacs version
already makes use of it: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1021/ct3000876).
In <http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/BIBE.2012.6399683> it says that DPD for
Gromacs is implemented in OpenMM, so have a look at that.
OpenMM can still be used with Gromacs 4.6.


Post by Diddo Diddens
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
Diddo Diddens
Dr. Diddo Diddens
Institut Charles Sadron
Université de Strasbourg
23 Rue du Loess, BP 84047
67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2
Phone: +33.(0)
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Christoph Junghans
Web: http://www.compphys.de
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2014-01-04 17:07:18 UTC
Dear Christoph and Diddo,

I am the author together with my colleagues from Groningen of the DPD papers that you are referring to.

We have a DPD verssion of that code in 4.0.7 with the different variants (ISO, PAR, PERP -- see the paper). We were also working for an OpenMM verssion,
but I would say that that verssion is not the most reliable and updated one. We have something ported to 4.5, but not all the code.

I can send you 4.0.7 code, if you wish.

DPD thermostat was not yet implemented in main Gromacs, due to the overload of the developers. Now we are working for a patch. However, your e-mail show us that we need to implement it soon.

I hope that this help
Post by Christoph Junghans
Post by Diddo Diddens
Dear all,
I have a question concerning the availability of the DPD thermostat in
Gromacs. On the site
I found that the DPD thermostat will possibly be implemented in Gromacs 4.6
or 5.0. Since I could not find it in version 4.6, I wondered if it will
appear in version 5.0. I am aware that not all features can be implemented
by the developers, but since it would be interesting for me to use the DPD
thermostat, I wanted to ask if there are still ongoing efforts to
incorporate it (especially due to the fact that a modified Gromacs version
already makes use of it: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1021/ct3000876).
In <http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/BIBE.2012.6399683> it says that DPD for
Gromacs is implemented in OpenMM, so have a look at that.
OpenMM can still be used with Gromacs 4.6.
Post by Diddo Diddens
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
Diddo Diddens
Dr. Diddo Diddens
Institut Charles Sadron
Université de Strasbourg
23 Rue du Loess, BP 84047
67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2
Phone: +33.(0)
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Christoph Junghans
Web: http://www.compphys.de
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